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Counseling and Psychology: Websites

Grey Literature

Grey literature exists outside of and is uncontrolled by the usual academic and commercial publishers. It includes conference proceedings, occasional and working papers, policy papers and briefs, hearings, reports, and more.

  • Apolitical. Case studies, analysis, news and opinions about innovation in government, used by public servants in 140+ countries. Available to students as a global weekly roundup of government innovation and leadership across all policy areas such as health, economic opportunity, gender, and digital. Navigate to the website or contact your librarian to subscribe.
  • Find Policy. Search for topics in leading policy research organizations.
  • Harvard Dataverse Network. A rapidly growing collection of social science research data, used by many authors and journals to host their replication data.
  • IssueLabIssueLab gathers, indexes, and shares the collective intelligence of the social sector... [providing] free access to thousands of case studies, evaluations, white papers, and issue briefs addressing some of the world's most pressing social problems." From the Foundation Center. 
  • PolicyArchiveA digital archive of global, non-partisan public policy research. It makes use of the power, efficiency, and economy of modern Internet technology to collect and disseminate summaries and full texts, videos, reports, briefs, and multimedia material of think tank, university, government, and foundation-funded policy research. 
  • NBER (National Bureau of Economic Research)Current and historical; NBER is a private, nonprofit, nonpartisan research organization dedicated to promoting a greater understanding of how the economy works. Provides data sets about macroeconomics, industry, international trade, individual income and expenditure data, etc.
  • Qualitative Data Repository. Project hosted at Syracuse University that curates and hosts data from qualitative social science projects. In addition, the site provides detailed guidance, written specifically for social science researchers collecting qualitative data, on key topics such as data management, research involving human participants, and teaching with qualitative data.