Subject Headings from the CINAHL Thesaurus
Stress Disorders, Post-Traumatic
Used for PTSD; used for post-traumatic stress disorder
Adjustment Disorders
Anxiety Disorders
Cognitive therapy
Depression, Reactive
Panic Disorder
Regression (Psychology)
Subject Headings from the ERIC Thesaurus
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
Acute or chronic delayed reaction to highly stressing events such as military combat, sexual assault, childhood abuse, natural disasters, unexpected deaths, and life-threatening accidents -- symptoms include anxiety, depression, intrusive recollections, and emotional detachment.
Anxiety Disorders
Disorders characterized by chronic and disabling anxiety or fear.
Art Therapy
The therapeutic use of art forms (painting, sculpturing, drawing, etc.) in achieving self-expression and emotional release, usually in a context of remediation or rehabilitation.
Art Expression
Process of communicating thoughts or feelings aesthetically, as in painting, sculpture, music, etc.
Educational Therapy
Educational practices that contribute to the treatment of students' organic or functional disorders (e.g., remedial reading instruction that improves self-esteem).
Music Therapy
The therapeutic use of musical forms (concerts, music appreciation sessions, group singing, individual performance, etc.) in achieving self-awareness, self-esteem, and emotional release, usually in a context of remediation or rehabilitation.
Play Therapy
Psychological treatment of mental, emotional, or behavioral disorders and maladjustments by specially trained medical or nonmedical professionals in personal or group consultation sessions.
Therapeutic Recreation
Recreation services and activities designed to treat or rehabilitate individuals with certain physical, emotional, and/or social problems (e.g., the disabled, infirm, or incarcerated).
Physical or emotional damage caused by serious injury, shock, or emotionally painful experience.
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Acceptance and Committment Therapy
Form of cognitive behavior therapy that helps clients to abandon ineffective control strategies, to accept difficult thoughts and feelings without taking them to be literally true, and to take actions in accordance with their own values and goals. The therapy is based on the premise that ineffective strategies to control thoughts and feelings actually lead to problem behaviors.
Acute Stress Disorder
Disorder characterized by the development of anxiety and dissociative symptoms as a result of exposure to a traumatic event. Symptoms last at least two days and no longer than four weeks.
Adjustment Disorders
Maladaptive reaction to psychosocial stressors which impairs social or occupational functioning. Usually a temporary condition that remits after new levels of adaptation are obtained or stressors have been removed.
Anger Control
Art Therapy
Therapy that uses the creative work of clients for emotional expression, sublimation, achievement, and to reveal underlying conflicts.
Anxiety Management
Behavior Therapy
Therapeutic approach that may employ classical conditioning, operant learning techniques, or other behavioral techniques, in an attempt to eliminate or modify problem behavior, addressing itself primarily to the client's overt behavior, as opposed to thoughts, feelings, or other cognitive processes.
Use of reading as adjunct to psychotherapy.
Cognitive Behavior Therapy
An integrated approach to psychotherapy that combines the techniques of cognitive and behavior therapy.
Cognitive Restructuring
Cognitive technique for altering self-defeating thought patterns by first identifying and analyzing negative self-statements and then developing adaptive self-statements.
Cognitive Therapy
Directive therapy based on the belief that the way one perceives and structures the world determines one's feelings and behavior. Treatment aims at altering cognitive schema and hence permitting the patient to change his/her distorted self-view and world view.
Creative Arts Therapy
Therapeutic use of the arts in medicine, mental health, or education.
Dance Therapy
Dialectical Behavior Therapy
A flexible, stage-based therapy that combines principles of behavior therapy, cognitive behavior therapy, and mindfulness. Dialectical behavior therapy concurrently promotes acceptance and change, especially with difficult-to-treat patients.
Emotional Trauma
Perceptions through any sense modality in the absence of an appropriate stimulus. (Usually indicative of abnormality but may be experienced occasionally by normal persons.) Used for flashbacks.
Journal Writing
Movement Therapy
Therapeutic technique utilizing bodily movements and rhythmic exercises to improve psychological and/or physical functioning of patients or clients.
Music Therapy
Poetry Therapy
Posttraumatic Growth
Positive personal growth following trauma.
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
Acute, chronic, or delayed reactions to traumatic events such as military combat, assault, or natural disaster. (Use Traumatic Neurosis or Stress Reactions to access references from 1973-1984.)
Recreation Therapy
Repressed Memory
Repression (Defense Mechanism)
Traumatic Neurosis
Withdrawal (Defense Mechanism)
Psychoanalytic term describing the escape from or avoidance of emotionally or psychologically painful situations.
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