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Library Student Workers: Front Desk Duties

Checking Out Materials and Policies


Books ............................4 Weeks

Non-Current Periodicals .... 1 Week 

IPads…………….2 Week

Chromebooks........ 2 Weeks

Calculators ...... 2 Weeks   

Textbook Reserve………. 2 Hours


            The following items may not be check-out

Current Periodicals


Reference Books

Materials on 2 hours Reserve - library use only

All late items will be charged

Books 25 cents per day Electric materials $5 per day

Overdue Items / Fines

Blocks on Accounts 

  • Overdue Items and Fines on the Account -  No Check-Out or Interlibrary Loans may be done until materials are returned.




How to use FOLIO

How to check-out  books 

  • Scan ID Barcode to open patron account  (NO ID - NO Check-Out) 
  • Scan the barcode of the item and hit enter on the keyboard
  • Date stamp the back of the book 
  • Verbally let the patron know when the item(s) are due

How to check-out periodicals (magazines)

  • Scan ID Barcode to open patrons account  (NO ID - NO Check-Out) 
  • Choose a blank pink magazine card 
  • Write the title & issue date on the pink magazine card
  • Scan the card and place it in today's checkouts 

 Only Use One Card Per Magazine 


Textbook Reserves / Course Reserve


  • You must have a student ID to check out the textbook reserves
  • Textbooks are located in the main office downstairs 
  • The books may NOT leave the library
  • Two-hour reserve ONLY
  • PLEASE check-in books immediately after returning



Visitor Log - Computer Usage , Study Areas, and Gate-Count

Please select the correct form to count computer users and students studying in each area

Look for the QR code on the front desk

Push in chairs when needed and tidy up the rooms