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Missouri Government and Statistics: Statistical Sources


Health and Mortality

Social Services

Statistics A - Z

- A -

Abortion (Kaiser Family Foundation)
Accidents, traffic - SEE - Traffic accidents
Accountants - Numbers by county (directory of professional license holders)
Adoption, 2002-2011 (Missouri Department of Social Services)
Adoption  (Child Welfare Information Gateway)
African-American-owned businesses, 2007 (Economic Census)
African-American-owned businesses, 2007 (MO Dept. of Economic Development)
Age - Demographic trends, 2000-2004
Age - Population Growth, 1990-2000
Agriculture - SEE ALSO - Crops
Agriculture - SEE ALSO - Farms
Agriculture - SEE ALSO - Livestock
Agricultural Census, 1997
Agricultural Census, 2002, USDA
Agricultural Census, 2007, USDA
Agricultural Census, Historical (1840-2007), USDA
Agricultural statistics by county
Agriculture, fertilizers and chemicals applied: 2002 and 1997 (USDA)
Agriculture, farm characteristics and  financial indicators (US Dept of Agriculture)
Agriculture, farm facts, 2003-2010
AIDS - SEE - Sexually transmitted disease
Air pollution control program, 1998-2002
Air quality data, St. Louis, 1999-2006
Air Pollution, current data
Air pollution, ozone, St. Louis, Kansas City, Springfield, 2009
Air pollution control permits
Air Quality Index (AQI) report For Kansas City, St. Louis And Springfield
Airports, 2000 (pdf)
Alcohol, consumer expenditures, 
Alcohol and Drug Related Driving Violations, 2008-20012
Alcohol-related traffic accidents, 2005-2012
Alcohol abuse, 2002-2008 - Detailed statistics from the MO Dept of Mental Health
Alcohol and drug abuse, student survey, 2000-2008 (pdf)
Alcohol and drug abuse, by county
Alternative Fuel and Advanced Technology Vehicles and Characteristics
Alternative and renewable fuels, data and reports
American Indians and Alaska Natives - owned businesses, 2002 (Economic Census)
American Indian Population, 2000
Amish by state or county 1990-2000 (not a govt. source)
Amish, Old Order, population (not a govt. source)
Appropriation activity reports, state government, 2002-2008
Appropriations for social services, by program 
Aquatic research
Architects - Numbers by county (directory of professional license holders)
Asian-owned businesses, 2002 (Economic census)
Asian-owned businesses, 2002 (MO Dept. of Economic Development)
Asian population, 2000 - Analysis
Assault, aggravated, offenses and arrests, 1993-2012
Assault, aggravated, Statewide totals by year, 1960-2007
Assualt injury, by county
Asthma (Kaiser Family Foundation)
Asthma-related emergency room visits by children under age 18, 2006 (pdf)
Asthma Hospitalizations of Children and Young Adult: 1993 - 1999 (pdf)
Asthma, Missouri multi-county asthma prevalence map
Asthma in Missouri report, 2007 (pdf)
Automobile accidents - SEE - Traffic accidents
Automobile theft, offenses and arrests, 1993-2007 
Aviation facts

- B -

Baptists in Missouri (not a govt. source)
Baptists by county or metro area, 2002 (not a govt. source)
Barbers, numbers by county (directory of professional license holders)
Biomass feedstock availability, 2005-2007 (pdf)
Biotechnology (Battelle report, 2003) (pdf)
Birds, wild, status and distribution of breeding bird species
Births, by state, county and city, 1990-current
Birth defects, 1996-2010
Boating while intoxicated (BWI) arrests, 2001-2009
Boone county indicators, health and human service needs, 2008
Bridge conditions, highway, 2001 US Dept of Transportation
Budget, Missouri, fiscal years 2008-2010
Budget, appropriations for social services
Building permits issued, 1990-2002
Burglary, offenses and arrests, 1993-2012
Business, Entrepreneurs - Demographic, socioeconomic and financial analysis
Business - Fortune 500 companies in MO, 2009
Business, 2002 Economic Census
Business patterns by county, 1998-2011
Businesses, small, Economic profile, 2003-2008 (pdf

Cancer (Kaiser Family Foundation)
Cancer, 2013 (pdf)
Cancer, breast and cervical, 1992-2006 (pdf)
Cancer, incidence by year, age, sex, race, cancer site, stage, grade, and geographic area, 1996-2004
Carbon monoxide deaths, 2001-2011(pdf)
Carbon monoxide fatalities by manner of death, 2001-2011 (pdf)
Car accidents - SEE  - Traffic accidents
Car theft
Catfish operations and sales, 2006-2007
Catholics in Missouri (not a govt. source)
Catholics by county or metro area (not a govt. source)
Cattle, by State
Cattle and Calves, Inventory and Sales, 2002 and 1997 (pdf)
Cattle, Calves, Beef Cow, Herd Size, Farm Facts (2003-2006)
Cemeteries by county
Census Data Center, 1980, 1990, 2000
Chicken Farm Facts
Child abuse and neglect, annual reports, 2007-2008 (pdf)
Child care, block grant statistics, 2008-2009
Child care, demand, accessibility, affordability, 2002 (pdf)
Child care, facilities, licensing, demographics
Child health, by county
Child nutrition, Pediatric Nutrition Surveillance System (PedNSS), 1995-2008 (pdf)
Children (from Kids Count Data Book)
Children, at risk, in-home services, 2002-2007
Children, child support collections, 1978-2008
Children, dietary intake and physical activity, 2000-2001 (pdf)
Children, fatalities, 2002-2007
Children, intensive in-home services, monthly reports, 2007-2008 (pdf)
Children, lead poisoning (pdf)
Children, out-of-home placement, monthly reports, 2007 (pdf)
Children raised by grandparents, 20004
Children, welfare recipients, by county, 2003-2008 (pdf)
Children's Division Annual Report, 2002-2006
Chiropractors, numbers by county (directory of professional license holders)
Climatological data query page - Weather reports
Coal, State Profile, 1992 (pdf)
College affordability and access, 2004
College president/chancellor compensation, 2005-2008
College - Statistical summary, 2005-2006
Community Data Profiles, data on cause of death, chronic diseases, unintentional injuries, prenatal and others by county
Compensation by job or profession, 2008
Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations
Conservation, annual report, 2003-2008 (pdf)
Consolidated Federal Funds Report (shows federal expenditures for Missouri and its counties - 1993-2007)
Consumer expenditures - St. Louis and Kansas City, 1984-2004
Consumer Price Index and Inflation, 2009
Corn, Farm Facts, 2003-2006
Corrections - SEE - Prisons and Prisoners
Cosmetologists - Numbers by county (directory of professional license holders)
Cost of living, current
Cost of living compared to other states
Cotton, Farm Facts, 2003-2006
Counselors - Numbers by county (directory of professional license holders)
County Fact Sheets, Social and Economic Demographics from OSEDA
Crime (Uniform Crime Reports)
Crime in Missouri, 2010 (pdf)
Crime, hate crime, 1995-2007
Crime, hate crime, 1998 (by Missouri towns, see pp. 45-46 of this pdf file)
Crime, hate crime, 2005
Crime - Statewide totals by type of crime and by year, 1960-2006
Crime, offender profiles, 1997-2007 (pdf)
Crop progress and condition

Dams and reservoirs
Day care centers, facilities, licensing, demographics
Death rates (current) (Kaiser Family Foundation)
Deaths, alcohol related, 1998-2006 (pdf)
Deaths, children, 2002-2006
Deaths, children, 2006
Deaths, drug related, 1998-2006 (pdf)
Death, leading cause, by county
Deaths, by state, county, cities, 1990-2007
Deaths, teens aged 15-19, 1998-2002 (pdf)
Debt, Missouri state government (pdf)
Deer hunting harvests, 1996-present
Deer hunts, managed, selection and harvest data, 2008-2009
Deer in traffic accidents, 2002-2011 (pdf)
Defense, Department of, spending in Missouri, 2002-2006 (pdf)
Degrees conferred by higher education institutions, 2005-2006
Delinquency, 2002-2008, Division of Youth Services Annual Report
Delinquency, Survey results, 2002, 2004 (pdf)
Delivery, of babies, by county
Dental health
Dental health
Dentists (Kaiser Family Foundation)
Dentists and dental assistants, Numbers by county (directory of professional license holders)
Diabetes (Kaiser Family Foundation)
Diabetes (MO Dept. of Health)
Diabetes, by county
Diabetes-related mortality, 2007 (pdf)
Discrimination, racial profiling, 2000-2007
Disease, chronic, by county
Disease, communicable, by county, 1997-2005
Disease, communicable, case counts, 1997-2007
Doctors, numbers by county (directory of professional license holders)
Domestic violence, 2001-2007 - Detailed data
Domestic violence, homicide, 2012 - Victim/Offender relationship only
Drinking Water - SEE ALSO - Water
Drinking water compliance annual reports, 1998-2007
Drinking water watch
Drivers license holders, by sex, 2000
Drug abuse, 2002-2007
Drug abuse, ecstacy (MDMA), 2002 (pdf)
Drug abuse, methamphetamine manufacture and use, 2004 (pdf)
Drug abuse, oxycontin, 2002 (pdf)
Drug abuse, survey results from school children and teens, 2000-2006 (pdf)
Ducks, waterfowl, hunting, 2007
DWI/BWI arrests, 1995-2000 (includes figures by county)

Earnings  - SEE ALSO  - Wages
Economic census, 2002 - statewide data, data by county, and by metropolitan statistical area
Economic share, by county, 2007
Economy, Missouri, at a glance, Dept of Labor, Current
Economy, Missouri, 2007-current (FDIC figures)
Education - SEE ALSO - Schools
Education - SEE ALSO - Teachers
Education (General figures for the state) 1987, 1996
Education, early childhood
Education, eMINTS program statistics and other reports from OSEDA
Education, higher, affordability (2008) (pdf)
Education, higher, enrollment
Education, higher, president's/chancellor's compensation survey 
Education, higher, tuition and fees, by institution
Education, higher, statistical summary, 2007-2008
Education, higher, statistical summary, 2006-2007
Education, higher, statistical summary, 2005-2006
Education K-12, census of technology, 1997-2008
Education K-12, state funding comparisons (pdf)
Education K-12, state expenditure per pupil, 2008-2012
Education K-12, high school graduates report
Education K-12, public school accountability report, 2007-2008 (pdf)
Education K-12, public school enrollment, by county, 1996-2006 (pdf)
Education K-12, public school district profiles, 2002-2006 (pdf)
Education K-12, public schools annual report, 2003-2006
Education K-12, school district profiles (includes charter schools) (pdf)
Education K-16, achievement gap elimination
Education, parental involvement
Elder abuse, neglect and financial exploitation, 2006 (pdf)
Election results, archives, 1996-2007
Electricity, by state, 1996-2007
Elementary education - SEE - Education K-12
Emergency Room visits by disease or condition, by county
Emergency Room visits by state, county or city, 1994-2011
Employment - SEE ALSO - Occupations
Employment - SEE ALSO - Wages
Employers, most employees, 2003
Employment by occupation and wage estimates, Statewide, 2008
Employment by occupation and wage estimates, by state, 2008
Employment by occupation (For MSAs, regions, and for the biggest cities), 2007
Employment by industry (NAICS) for counties, zip codes, MSAs, or statewide, 1998-2007
Employment by major industries, by county, 1990-2000
Employment dynamics by county or metro area, 2001-2006
Employment, fastest growing jobs, highest paying jobs, most job openings, largest employment, 2007
Employment, information technology, 2004 (pdf)
Employment, life sciences, 2004 (pdf)
Employment, numbers employed by industry, 1997
Employment, projections by occupation, 2006-2016, 2008-2010, by state or region (excel)
Employment, projections by industry, by state or region, 2004-2014 (excel)
Employment, temporary workers (Kaiser Family Foundation)
Energy, consumption, prices and expenditures, production, 1970-2006
Energy, Electricity, 2007
Energy, Natural gas, 2014
Energy, Wind
Engineers, numbers by county (directory of professional license holders)
Entertainment, consumer expenditures, St. Louis and Kansas City - 1997-1998
Entrepreneurs & their businesses, demographic, socioeconomic and financial analysis, 2005
Expenditures (federal) for Missouri and Missouri counties - 1993-2005
Exports, 2007
Exports by commodity, 2001-2004
Exports by country, 2001-2004

- F-

Family assistance payments - SEE ALSO - Temporary Assistance to Needy Families
Family assistance payments - SEE ALSO - Welfare
Family assistance payments by county - SEE ALSO - Transfer payments
Family planning (by state and by county) Select Delivery and then Family Planning
Family planning, statewide only, 2003 
Farms - SEE ALSO - Agiculture
Farm characteristics and financial indicators, 1997, 2002, 2007
Farm Characteristics by Race of Principal Operator: 2007 and 2002 (pdf)
Farm Characteristics by Race: 2007 (pdf)
Farm storage capacity (on site) in bushels by county, 2004
Farms, Change in number, 1997-2002
Farms, income and expenses, by county, 1990-2000
Federal expenditures for Missouri and Missouri counties - 1993-2005
Fertility rates, human, trends, 2004 (pdf)
Fertility rates, by state, city or county, 1990-2007 (pdf)
Fertilizers and Chemicals: 2007 and 2002 (pdf)
Fertilizer use by states, 1964-2006
Finances (Appropriations and other reports), 2002-2006
Finances (Appropriations for Social Services, by program)
Finances (Executive Budget, current)
Fish, commercially grown - Value by type, 1998 
Fish, state records, 2009 (pdf)
Floriculture and Nursery Crops Yearbook, 2003-2007
Food, consumer expenditures, St. Louis and Kansas City - 1997-1998
Food stamps - % children served, by county, 2008
Food stamps, $ distribution by county - SEE - Transfer payments
Food stamps, Monthly data
Forest products, 2007 (pdf)
Forestry research
Fortune 500 companies in MO, 2009
Fossil fuel use, 1990-1999
Foster care, 2002-2006
Foster care, current
Freight transportation
Fruits and Nuts by Acres: 2007 and 2002 
Funeral homes by county

- G -

Gambling, compulsive, 2007 (pdf)
Game, small, harvest survey, 2010-2011 (pdf)
Gaming Commission Annual Reports, 1994-2008 (pdf)
Gangs, 2002 (pdf)
Gasoline - SEE ALSO - Alternative Fuel Vehicles
Gasoline (prices, reserves, consumption)
Gasoline prices by state
Geodetic (land) survey
Geologists, numbers by county (directory of professional license holders)
Government appropriations
Government appropriations for Social Services, by program
Government budget
Government debt, Missouri state, 2008 (pdf)
Grapes, production, use, price & value, 2003
Gross domestic product sales, Missouri, 1998-2007
Guns in schools (pdf)

Hate crimes, 1995 (state-by-state comparison)
Hate crimes, 1998 (by Missouri towns, see pp. 45-46 of this pdf file)
Hay, Farm Facts, 2003-2006
Hazardous Substances Emergency Events Surveillance (HSEES)
Hazardous waste permits
Head and spinal cord injury data 
Healing arts professionals, numbers by county (directory of professional license holders)
Health (MICA database - much information here!)
Health care, consumer expenditures, Midwest 1998-2008
Health care, consumer expenditures, Midwest,,2009-2012
Health care, consumer expenditures, 1992
Health care costs (Kaiser Family Foundation)
Health, key facts
Health, minorities (Kaiser Family Foundation)
Health, oral

Health, rankings by county, 2012
Health, risks, Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS), 2002-2006
Health service statistics (scroll down page) (pdf)
Health, women (Kaiser Family Foundation)
Health, women, risk factors, 2005 (pdf)
Health insurance, geographic variations
Health insurance - SEE ALSO - Medicaid
Health insurance coverage
Heart disease (Kaiser Family Foundation)
Higher Education Commission Report, 2003 (pdf)
Higher education, affordability and access, 2004
Higher education, affordability and access, 2007 (pdf)
Higher Education, statistical summary, 2005-2006
Highways and roads, miles of, 1995-2000
Highways and roads, 2005 - statewide data compared to other states (pdf)
Hispanic-owned businesses, 2002
Hispanic-owned businesses, 2002 (Economic Census)
Hispanic population, 2000 - Analysis
Hispanic population by county or city, 2006
Hispanic population trends, 1980-2000
Hispanic population trends, 1990-2000
Hispanic population trends, 2000-2003
HIV/AIDS - SEE ALSO - Sexually transmitted disease
HIV infection
HIV/AIDS (Kaiser Family Foundation)
HMOs (Kaiser Family Foundation)
HMO Reports, 2000-2007 (from MO Dept. of Insurance)
Hogs, Farm Facts (2003-2006)
Home values, median, by state, 1940-2000
Homes, vacation, 1940-2000, by decade
-> Homeownership, 1910-2000, by decade
Horses, equine Survey, 2001 (pdf)
Hospital discharge, charges, and days of care, 1994-2005
Hospital revenues, by state or county 
Hospital outpatient procedure costs, by state or county 
Hospitalization, inpatient, by state or county
Hospitalization, preventable, by state, county or city, 1994-2006
Hospitals, by state or county
Horticulture: nursery, greenhouse, floriculture, sod, mushrooms, vegetable seeds, and propagative materials grown for sale: 2007 and 2002 (pdf)
Housing Survey, Kansas City MSA, 2002 (pdf)
Housing Survey, St. Louis, 2004 (pdf)
Hunting and fishing permit distribution and sales summary, 2011 (pdf)
Hunting, small game harvest survey, 2006-2007 (pdf)
Hyperthermia, deaths (pdf)
Hypothermia, deaths (pdf)

- L -

Labor force, by county, 1990-2004
Labor "State of the Workforce" report, 2004 (pdf)
Labor statistics, by state, county and metro area, 1999-2009
Labor, employment, temporary workers (Kaiser Family Foundation)
Land: 2007 and 2002 
Land in Farms, Harvested Cropland, and Irrigated Land, by Size of Farm: 2007 and 2002 
Land records repository
Land value by county, 2005 (pdf)
Land value by county, 2006 (pdf)
Land value by county, 2007 (pdf)
Land value by county, 2008 (pdf)
Languages spoken at home, 1990
Larceny, statewide totals by year, 1960-2006
Layoffs, extended mass, 2005
Lead poisoning, children (pdf)
Legal malpractice, 1998-2007
Libraries, public, annual state statistical reports, 1999-2007 (pdf)
Licensed drivers, by sex, 2000
Licenses (professional), holders by county
Literacy, adult, 2003 (pdf)
Livestock - SEE ALSO - [name of animal]
Living wage levels in Missouri, by family size and county
Lobbyists, reports, 2001-2009
Lupus - SEE - Arthritis
Lutherans in Missouri (not a govt. source)
Lutherans by state, county or metro area (not a govt. source)

- M -

Malpractice, legal, 1998-2007
Managed care (HMOs, etc.) (Kaiser Family Foundation)
Managed care performance, 2000-2008
Marriage - SEE ALSO - Vital statistics
Maternal obesity, 1999-2003 (pdf)
Medicaid, 2005, state-by-state data (link to MERLIN record)
Medicaid, children enrolled - SEE - Kids Count Data Books
Medicaid, financial statistics by county, 2003-2006
Medicaid, maps, statistical, 2005 (pdf)
Medicaid participation, by state or county
Medicaid records, 2002-2009
Medical payments by county - SEE - Transfer payments
Medical professionals, numbers by county (directory of professional license holders)
Mennonites in Missouri (not a govt. source)
Mennonites by county (not a govt. source)
Mental health, 2004 (Kaiser Family Foundation)
Mental and emotional health, children, 2004
Methamphetamine manufacture and use, 2004 (pdf)
Methodists by county or metro area (not a govt. source)
Methodists in Missouri (not a govt. source)
Migrant students, 2007
Milk Cow Herd Size by Inventory and Sales: 2007 (pdf)
Milk Production
Minerals, 1994-2006
Minimum wage workers
Minority health (Kaiser Family Foundation)
Minority health, by county
Morticians, numbers by county (directory of professional license holders)
Motor vehicle crashes and [health] outcomes, 1993-2003
Motor vehicle theft
Motor vehicle theft, statewide totals by year, 1960-2006
Mourning dove distribution, 2005 (pdf)
Municipal League, includes links to Missouri cities, towns and villages
Murder, offenses and arrests, 1993-2006
Murder, statewide totals by year, 1960-2003
Muslims, population estimate by county and metro area (not a govt. source)

- N -

Natal - SEE ALSO - Infants
Natal - SEE ALSO - Children
Natal health, by county
Native American population, 2000 - Analysis
Natural gas, 2002-2006 (pdf)
Natural Resources Dept, county expenditures by program, 2003-2004
Newsprint recycling (use of recycled paper by MO newspaper publishers), 2000-2007
Nurses, registered - 2002 (Kaiser Family Foundation)
Nurses, by type and by county (directory of professional license holders)
Nursing homes (Kaiser Family Foundation)
Nursing homes, by county

- O -

Obesity (Kaiser Family Foundation)
Obesity in children, 2005
Obesity, maternal, 1999-2003 (pdf)
Occupations - SEE ALSO - Employment
Occupations - SEE ALSO - Wages
Occupational clusters, health care, 2007 (pdf)
Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates, 2007
Occupational employment figures, statewide, 2006
Occupational employment figures, metropolitan area
Occupational employment projections, 2004-2014, 2004-2006, by state or region (excel)
Occupational injury/illness, 2001-2006
Occupational openings, top twenty, 2008-20010, by state, Kansas City, St. Louis (pdf)
Occupations, fastest growing, 2008-2010, by state, Kansas City, St. Louis (pdf)
Occupations, highest and lowest paying, 2006
Occupations, math and science intensive, 2007 (pdf)
Occupations requiring professional registration, numbers by occupation and county
Occupations - highest paying, largest employment, fastest growing, most openings, etc.
Old Age Survivors & Disability Insurance, $ by county- SEE - Transfer payments
Optometrists, numbers by county (directory of professional license holders)
Oral health
OxyContin drug abuse (pdf)
Outpatient procedure charges, by state or county

Parks, state, attendance, 2000-2008
Parks, state, economic impact, 2002 (Word document)
Patents, 1963-2003, statistics & analysis (pdf)
Pediatric Nutrition Surveillance System (PedNSS), 1995-2005 (pdf)
Pentacostals in Missouri (not a govt. source)
Pharmacists, numbers by county (directory of professional license holders)
Pheasants, harvest and population, 2006 (pdf)
Physical fitness in children
Physicians, non-Federal, 2008 (Kaiser Family Foundation)
Physician assistants, 2008 (Kaiser Family Foundation)
Physicians, 1990-2000
Pigs and hogs, Farm Facts (2003-2006)
Population - GO TO - Missouri Statistical Gateway page
Population, American Indian, 2000
Population, Asian/Pacific Islander, 2000
Population, Black, 2000
Population by state, county or city, 1990-2007
Population by county, 1990 & 2000 census
Population density (persons per square mile) by state, 1990 & 1997
Population growth by age categories, 1990-2000
Population, minorities, 2000-2004 (discussion & statistics)
Population estimates for counties, 2008
Population estimates for counties, 2000-2007
Population estimates by town, 2000-2004
Population, Hispanic, 2000
Population growth, Hispanic, 1980-2000 (Spanish)
Population projections by county, 1990-2025
Population trends for age groups, 2000-2004
Population trends for Hispanics, 2000-2004
Potatoes, acreage, yield, production & value
Potatoes rarvested for Sale: 2007 and 2002 (pdf)
Poverty, 1979-1989
Poverty, 2007, by county
Poverty, children, 2002
Poverty, income level necessary to remain above, by family size and county
Power - SEE - Energy
Pregnancies, by state, county or city, 1990-2007
Pregnancy and parenting, teen, 2006
Pregnancies, Teen (2002)
Pregnancies, Teen (1999)
Prenatal by county
Presbyterians in Missouri (not a govt. source)
Presbyterians by county or metro area (not a govt. source)
Prison and offender profiles, 1997-2007 (pdf)
Prisons, census of Jails, 2006 (this is a federal site; must hunt for MO data in it)
Prison statistics, 2006 (this is a federal site; must hunt for MO data in it)
Prisons and prisoners, state profile, 2005
Prisons, adult corrections (print copy in MERLIN))
Prisons and prisoners, 2000-2007 (Choose "Comparitive Data Reports," then find the column labeled "Corrections")
Prisons, correctional institutions and probation and parole offices, 2002, Part I (pdf)
Prisons, correctional institutions and probation and parole offices, 2002, Part II (pdf)
Prisoners (Dept. of Corrections annual reports and brief fact sheets)
Procedures, operative, diagnostic and therapeutic, 1994-2006
Professional licenses (active), numbers by occupation and county
Property crime, statewide totals by year, 1960-2006
Property tax rates, by county, 2005
Property tax, general characteristics, by state
Psychologists, numbers by county (directory of professional license holders)
Public health, local public health agency financial review, 1997-2007
Public health, local public health agency infrastructure survey reports, 2001-2007

Safety belts, 2005
Saint Louis, air quality, 2001-2008
Sales, taxable, current
Sales tax, collection, by county, 1990-2004
Sales, taxable, by county, SIC, zip code, 1990-2008
Schools - SEE ALSO - Education
Schools - SEE ALSO - Teachers
School district data
Schools, elementary and secondary and education, state profile
Schools - Student scores, 1999 broken down by demographic factors (race, gender, migrant, etc.)
    and by participation in programs (free lunch program, gifted student program, etc.)
School violence, survey results, 2002 (pdf)
Seniors, aging issues and data, 2008
Sexually transmitted diseases (Kaiser Family Foundation)
Sexually transmitted diseases (Detailed data)
Sexually transmitted diseases by county, 2000-2009
Sexually transmitted diseases, trend data, 1984-2005 (pdf)
Sexually transmitted diseases, Missouri vs. national case rates, 1989-2005 (pdf)
Sexually transmitted disease surveillance, 2008 (pdf)
Small business, economic profiles, 2004-2008
Smoking - SEE ALSO - Tobacco
Smoking (Kaiser Family Foundation)
Smoking, health and economic burden of smoking, 2000-2004 (pdf)
Smoking, middle and high school students, 2002 (pdf)
Smoking, county-level studies, 2003 (pdf)
Smoking, regional studies, 2003 (pdf)
Smoking, cessation, county-level studies, 2003 (pdf)
Smoking, cessation, regional studies, 2003 (pdf)
Smoking, second-hand smoke, county-level studies (pdf)
Smoking, second-hand smoke, regional studies (pdf)
Social Security, state statistics
Social Security, federal expenditures by states and counties, 1993-2005
Social Services Appropriations, by program 
Social Services, caseload counter, by month
Social services, number of people served by government programs, 1999-2007
Social services, program and service delivery, 1999-2007
Social services statistics by counties, msa's, districts, etc.
Social services, quick facts by county, 2003-2006
Social services, quick facts and reports, 2008 (statewide figures)
Social workers, numbers by county (directory of professional license holders)
Soil surveys by county
Solid waste permits
Sorghum, Farm Facts, 2003-2006
Soybeans, Farm Facts, 2003-2006
State government appropriations
State government budget, 2007-2009
State government expenditures (from 1997 Census of Governments)
State parks, attendance, 2000-2006
State parks, economic impact of tourism, 2002 (pdf)
Stroke profile, 2002-2007
Student loans (data embedded in a report on college affordability)
Students - SEE ALSO - Education
Students - SEE ALSO - Schools
Substance abuse - SEE ALSO - Alcohol abuse
Substance abuse - SEE ALSO - Drug abuse

TANF - SEE - Temporary Assistance to Needy Families
Tax rates for MO compared to other states (corporate taxes, fuel taxes, etc.) data query screen
Tax returns totals, by county, 1990-2003
Teachers K-12, Comparisons with other states, 2005 (pdf)
Technology industries, 2002 (pdf)
Teen births, 2004 (Kaiser Family Foundation)
Teen deaths (age 15-19, by race and gender), 2003 (pdf)
Teens, risk behaviors (tobacco & alcohol use, sexual behavior, diet and exercise), 1999 (pdf)
Teens, risk behaviors
Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF)
Temporary Assistance to Needy Families, by county or service area, 1998-2009
Temporary workers (Kaiser Family Foundation)
Theft, offenses and arrests, 1993-2006
Thefts, statewide totals by type (larceny, motor vehicle, etc.) and by year, 1960-2006
Tires, waste
Tires, waste, cleanup summary statistics
Tobacco - SEE ALSO - Smoking
Tobacco excise tax, county-level study, 2003 (pdf)
Tobacco excise tax, region study, 2003 (pdf)
Tobacco farming, US and world production and exports, 1955-2004
Tobacco products, consumer expenditures, St. Louis and Kansas City, 1986-1987
Tobacco products, consumer expenditures, St. Louis and Kansas City, 1997-1998
Tobacco, use by middle school students, 1999 (pdf)
Tobacco use, burden of, 2002 (pdf)
Toxics release inventories, 1996-2007
Tourism and travel, economic impact, 2002-2003 (pdf)
Tourism, economic impact, 2002
Traffic Crashes, 2009
Traffic accident statistics, 1999-2007
Traffic accident statistics, Statistical Analysis Center data
Traffic accident statistics - MO State Highway Patrol reports
Traffic accident statistics - Bureau of Transportation Statistics (scroll down to section B)
Traffic accidents, vehicle crash variables and outcomes for drivers, 1993-2005
Traffic accidents, alcohol-related 1999 (pdf)
Traffic accidents, deer-related, 2002-2006 (pdf)
Traffic accidents, holidays, 2002-2006
Traffic accidents involving large trucks, buses, 2003-2007
Traffic accidents, holidays, 2002-2007
Traffic accidents involving emergency service vehicles, 2002-2007
Traffic safety compendium, 2002-2007 (pdf)
Traffic volume maps, 2000-2007
Transfer payments as a proportion of total person income, 1992-2002, by county
Transfer payments by county... includes the following types of payments:

  • Family Assistance
  • Food Stamps
  • Income Maintenance
  • Medical Payments
  • Old Age Survivors & Disability Insurance
  • Supplemental Security Income
  • Unemployment Benefits
  • Veterans' Benefits
  • Workers' Compensation

Transportation (Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Missouri profile)
Transportation, comparative data by state, 2005 (pdf)
Transportation, consumer expenditures, St. Louis and Kansas City, 1986-1987
Transportation, consumer expenditures, St. Louis and Kansas City, 1997-1998
Trout operations and sales, 2005-2007
Trucks (large) crashes, 2003-2007
Turkey, wild, harvest and population status, 1997-2007

- W -

Wages - SEE ALSO - Employment
Wages - SEE ALSO - Occupations
Wage, average by county, 2007 
Wages, average, for top 30 occupations, 2003-2004
Wages, family wage calculator, by county
Wage, minimum - workers
Wages by occupation, 2008 (statewide figures)
Wages by occupation, by metropolitan area, 2008
Wages by occupation (For MSAs, regions, and for the biggest cities), 2007
Water quality report, 2002, 2004, 2006 (pdf)
Water quality permits
Water, groundwater, users by county
Water, surface
Water, surface, users by county
Water, major users by county
Watersheds, maps, inventory and assessment
Water, springs
Weather, by county, 2001-2009
Weather, stations
Weather, daily & hourly, by weather station
Welfare - SEE ALSO - Temporary Assistance to Needy Families
Welfare - SEE ALSO - Transfer payments
Welfare programs, Federal expenditures for Missouri and its counties - 1993-2007
West Nile Virus, 2002-2008
Wheat, Farm Facts, 2003-2006
Wind energy Resources
WIC assistance (Women, Infants and Children), Prenatal, Postpartun, Infant and Child, by county or state, 2000-2007
Women in Missouri's workforce, 2007
Women-owned businesses, 2002
Women's health (Kaiser Family Foundation)
Women's health, by county
Workers' Compensation money by county - SEE - Transfer payments
Workmer' compensation - SEE ALSO - Occupational injury
Workforce, 2004 (pdf)
Workforce Indicators, by county or metro area, 1995-2008

- Y -

Youth - SEE ALSO - Children
Youth - SEE ALSO - Teens
Youth, 2008 (from Kids Count Data Book)
Youth, at risk, In-home services, 2002-2007
Youth, juvenile court statistics, 2001-2007
Youth services annual report, 2002-2008
Youth Risk Behavior Survey, 1995-2003 (pdf)
Youth Risk Behaviors Survey Report, 2002 (pdf)
Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System, 1999, 2001, 2003, 2005 (pdf)

Missouri Statistics by Agency

Missouri Statistics Sources
