Includes scientific and technical research results in environmental science disciplines such as chemistry, physics, materials, geology, engineering, climatology, oceanography, and related disciplines.
Australasian Campuses Towards Sustainability Promoting the integration of ecologically sustainable development in the curricula and operations of Australasian tertiary institutions.
Bioneers Promotes practical environmental solutions and innovative social strategies for restoring Earth's imperiled ecosystems and healing our human communities.
Business Alliance for Local Living Economies (BALLE) Links networks of small and medium-sized independent businesses in the U.S. and Canada, helping them to build healthy, diversified, and successful local economies.
Canadian Environmental Literacy Project (CELP) Offers curriculum materials and a database of a wide variety of additional environmental education resources including books, reports, course outlines, images, etc.
Centre for Human Ecology A network of professionals, activists and academics. Offers postgraduate courses and professional development and works with organizations to improve their environmental and social performance.
Disciplinary Associations Network for Sustainability Education Network of professional associations to educate students, and the public about sustainability; create cross disciplinary projects; and offer professional development, curricula standards, and tenure requirements relating to sustainability.
Earth Charter Initiative A civil society document: values and principles for a sustainable future.
Earth Institute Columbia University, Solutions for Sustainable Development; research, education, events
Earth Portal A comprehensive resource for timely, science-based information about the environment. It has three components: Encyclopedia of Earth, EarthForum, and EarthNews.
Works with farmers, conservationists, researchers,leaders in rural development, entrepreneurs and policymakers around the world to sustain, develop and promote ecoagriculture.
EcoIQ Provides media and educational products and services to promote the transition to sustainability.
Ecojustice Canada’s leading non-profit organization of lawyers and scientists devoted to protecting the air, water, wildlife and natural spaces.
Education for Sustainability Portal Developed by the Australian Research Institute in Education for Sustainability (ARIES); research article links in EFS, Envisioning, Systemic Thinking, Developing Critical Thinking Skills, Participation and Partnerships (Best Practice Engagement Strategies)
Envirolink Network Provides access to thousands of online environmental resources by topic.
Environment Education with Chris Summerville A collection of resources for environmental education teachers, including downloadable environmental activities for classroom and campus, and teacher training workshops for environmental education.
Environmental Science News From ScienceDaily. Includes news, articles, videos, images, and books. The site has information on climate, environmental issues, natural disasters, and other environmental issues.
An international think-tank dedicated to the creation, advancement and sharing of best practices in business ethics, corporate social responsibility, anti-corruption and sustainability.
Forum on Science and Innovation for Sustainable Development Linking individuals, institutions, and networks engaged in the field of science and technology for sustainability and serving as a resource for the latest research, events, and opportunities in sustainability science.
Foundation for the Economics of Sustainability Identifies the characteristics (economic, cultural and environmental) of a truly sustainable society, articulates how the necessary transition can be effected and promotes the implementation of the measures required for this purpose.
Horizon Solutions Presents readily accessible peer-reviewed answers to problems in environment, health, population and development.
Institute for Local Self Reliance Provides innovative strategies, working models, tools, and timely information to support environmentally sound and equitable community development.
Internetwork for Sustainability Communications network advocating a sustainable society is an excellent source for up-to-the-minute environmental news from around the world.
Learning and Sustainability
Covers topic areas relevant to social learning including for sustainable development, social learning for sustainability, research methods and approaches, and links to resources, guides, and tool kits.
National Wildlife Federation Educates and assists individuals and organizations in conserving wildlife and other natural resources.
Natural Capital Institute Develops principles and practices, and initiates projects, for environmental restoration, with emphasis on natural capital, green business, biomimicry, innovative design, and social justice.
New Urbanism A leading and well respected informational website promoting good urbanism, smart transportation, transit oriented development, and sustainability. is independently owned and operated and is not connected to any organization, corporation, or public entity.
Resilience Alliance A multidisciplinary research group that explores the dynamics of complex adaptive systems to discover foundations for sustainability.
Resurgence magazine
Encourages a world view which integrates ecological sustainability, social justice and spiritual values.
Rocky Mountain Institute Leading organization that fosters efficient and restorative use of resources, inspiring business, civil society, and government to design integrative solutions that create true wealth.
Sierra Club The oldest, largest, and most influential grassroots environmental organization in the United States.
Society for Human Ecology An international interdisciplinary professional society that promotes the use of an ecological perspective in research, education, and application.
Southern Forests Network A community of people throughout the U.S. South who are working to conserve private forestlands & cultivate sustainable forest-based economies.
Sustainability Exchange Provides sector professionals with up to date resources, insight, webinars, news, events and jobs connecting together sector professionals across the world, stimulating debate and the sharing of knowledge.
Sustainable Development Media Think Tank International media vehicle dedicated to good governance, conservation, environmentalism, changing lifestyles, renewable energy, and climate change.
Sustainable Future New Zealand website with a large library of information on many aspects of sustainability.
Thai Ecotrade Collects and sorts many types of computer and related items and recycles them by de-manufacturing the components and selling the individual raw materials, or by reselling the useful parts.
Towards Sustainability A resource for those sharing the vision of a brighter future where enhanced quality of life for all is inseparable from a clean species-rich natural environment.
U.S. Partnership for Education for Sustainable Development Dedicated to fully integrating education for sustainability (EFS) into teaching and learning across all sectors of U.S. society, including businesses, communities, faith communities, higher education, K-12, and teacher education.
University Leaders Towards a Sustainable Future Supports sustainability as a critical focus of teaching, research, operations and outreach at colleges and universities worldwide through publications, research, and assessment; Secretariat for signatories of the Talloires Declaration (1990).
WiserEarth International directory and networking forum that maps and connects the hundreds of thousands of organizations and concerned individuals worldwide that address social justice, poverty, and the environment.
Zero Emissions Research and Initiatives ZERI is a global network of creative minds seeking solutions to world challenges. The common vision shared by the members of the ZERI family is to view waste as a resource and seek solutions using nature's design principles as inspiration.
Searches websites of institutions that generate public policy research, analysis, and activity. The list represents a mixture of partisan and non-partisan think tanks. From the Harvard Kennedy School of Government.
U.S. Partnership for Education for Sustainable Development
Dedicated to fully integrating education for sustainability (EFS) into teaching and learning across all sectors of U.S. society, including businesses, communities, faith communities, higher education, K-12, and teacher education.
Contamination of the air by noxious gases and minute particles of solid and liquid matter (particulates) in concentrations that endanger health. The major sources of air pollution are transportation engines, power and heat generation, industrial processes, and the burning of solid waste.
From The Columbia Encyclopedia Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), scientific panel created (1988) by two United Nations organizations, the UN Environment Program and the World Meteorological Organization.
From The Hutchinson Unabridged Encyclopedia
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) was created by the 1972 United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, or Stockholm Conference. Beginning with an assessment of the state of the global environment, the UNEP examines environmental issues and the means of addressing them, as well as surveying the problems encountered in different regions and countries.
From The Princeton Encyclopedia of the World Economy The Global Environment Facility (GEF) grew out of an awareness in the 1980s of transboundary environmental problems and the accompanying recognition that efforts to improve matters would be costly (Sjöberg 1994). Launched in 1991 by the World Bank as an experimental facility, the GEF entered a three-year pilot program to test approaches and resolve competing governance schemes.
In The Chambers Dictionary
A specialized agency within the European Union, the European Environment Agency (EEA) was created in 1990, and began work in 1993.
Any of the political parties established in various countries to oppose the destructive environmental effects of many modern technologies and the economic systems and institutions that drive them.
The process of recovering and reusing waste products—from household use, manufacturing, agriculture, and business—and thereby reducing their burden on the environment.
From Dictionary of Energy
Often associated with religious and agricultural views and practices, the ethical concept that the proper role for humans with respect to the natural environment is to act as a steward, or watchful caretaker.
Sustainable development is the promotion of developmental patterns that will enable current human generations to meet their needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.