Academy of Accounting, Finance and Economics - AAFE
Academy of Health Health Economics Interest Group
Agricultural & Applied Economics Association (AAEA). Addresses a broad range of topics such as the economics of agriculture, international and rural development, resources and the environment, food and consumer issues, and agribusiness.
Agricultural Economics Society
American Committee on Asian Economic Studies - ACAES
American Economic Association (AEA). Encourages economic research, especially the historical and statistical study of the actual conditions of industrial life.
American Institute of Economic Research (AIER). Provides factual, unbiased research and critical analysis based on the principles of positive economics. We educate individuals on how to protect their interests, and help policymakers make informed decisions for a better America.
American Law and Economics Association - ALEA
American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association - AREUEA
American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers - ASFMRA
American Society of Health Economists - ASHEcon
American Society of Hispanic Economists - ASHE
American Sociological Association, Economic Sociology Section
American Statistical Association, Business and Economic Statistics Section - ASA,B&E
Association of American Geographers, Economic Geography Specialty Group - EGSG
Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (AERE)
Chinese Economic Association in North America - CEANA
Council of Food, Agricultural and Resource Economics - C-FARE
The Econometrics Society. The Econometric Society’s mission is for the advancement of economic theory in relation to statistics and mathematics.
Economic Science Association
Global Competitiveness Programme (World Economic Forum)
Illinois Economic Association - IEA
International Association of Agricultural Economists. A worldwide association of agricultural economists and others concerned with agricultural economic problems, including problems related to the use of renewable resources and the environment.
International Banking, Economics and Finance Association - IBEFA
Korea-America Economic Association - KAEA
Midwest Business Economics Association - MBEA
Midwest Econometrics Group - MEG
Midwest Economics Association. A non-profit organization whose purpose is the advancement of economic knowledge and the economics profession.
Midwest Finance Association - MFA
Midwestern International Economics Group - MWEIG
Missouri Valley Economic Association - MVEA
National Association for Business Economics. A professional association for business economists and others who use economics in the workplace.
National Association of Economic Educators - NAEE
National Association of Forensic Economics - NAFE
National Economic Association. The National Economic Association was founded in 1969 as the Caucus of Black Economists to promote the professional lives of minorities within the profession.
National Economics Teaching Association - NETA
National Economists Club - NEC
Nebraska Economics and Business Association (NEBA). Works with issues and research on economics and business topics in general, and also focuses on issues and research related to the economy of Nebraska and the Great Plains.
Network of Border Economics / Red de la Economía Fronteriza - NOBE/REF
North American Association of Fisheries Economists - NAAFE
North American Regional Science Council - NARSC
Northeast Business and Economics Association - NBEA
Northeastern Agricultural and Resource Economics Association (NAREA). A community of scholars dedicated to promoting the public good through applied economic research. The primary areas of focus include economic and policy analysis related to food, natural resources, the environment, energy, development, rural, regional and urban issues.
Regional Science Association International
Southern Agricultural Economics Association. Fosters the study and understanding of agricultural economics and its applications to problems in the Southern United States and increases the contribution of agricultural economics to human welfare.
Southern Economic Association. The purpose of the Southern Economic Association has been to further the education of scholars and the public in economic affairs. Toward this end, it seeks to stimulate interest in and disseminate results of recent research in theory and applied economics.
Southern Regional Science Association - SRSA
Southwestern Economics Association - SWEA
Southwestern Finance Association - SWFA
Southwestern Society of Economists - SSE
United States Association for Energy Economics - USAEE
United States Society for Ecological Economics - USSEE
USDA Economists Group. Produces and distributes knowledge of economic issues that are of exceptional interest to native and immigrant African Americans, Latinos, and other people of color.
Western Agricultural Economics Association - WAEA
Western Economic Association International - WEAI. A non-profit, educational community dedicated to sharing economic research and analysis.
Western Regional Science Association - WRSA
World Economic Forum. An independent international organization committed to improving the state of the world by engaging business, political, academic and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas.
World Economics Association. The World Economics Association (WEA) was launched on May 16, 2011. Already over 8,000 economists and related scholars have joined. This phenomenal success has come about because the WEA fills a huge gap in the international community of economists -- the absence of a professional organization which is truly international and pluralist.